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Who are the people who successfully implement SmartScale℠?

Unleash SmartScale℠ Success. Leaders must wield a strategy rooted in a profound grasp of customer aspirations and a keen insight into differentiation and enhanced value.

When prospective clients interview for participation in the SmartScale℠ Midlife Company Accelerator, we describe and discuss the characteristics of the people who successfully implemented SmartScale℠. These prospective clients, who lead successful companies that have already achieved impressive benchmarks, are striving to eclipse these triumphs and reach the pinnacle of what we call SmartScale℠. In this state, growth is not just achieved but multiplied sustainably and efficiently.

SmartScale℠ transcends traditional growth paradigms. ScaleWerks’ Midlife-business Accelerator implementation is a sophisticated and structured process for companies looking to transcend conventional growth models and achieve sustainable scaling. This is not just about linear improvement but a fundamental transformation of how businesses conceive of growth, value creation, and customer engagement. SmartScale℠ is not a reactive response to the competition but strategic moves that redefine the market itself – taking participating firms beyond mere improvement and redefining growth, value creation, and customer engagement in a fundamental shift toward excellence and category leadership.

Our team fortifies this process, integrating progressive technical talent with deep analytics and customer insights to sculpt a company’s path to category leadership. This strategic advantage elevates businesses from competitors to category authorities.

Yet, amidst this intricate fabric of strategies, tactical execution, and systems, human factors—cornerstones of the human spirit—proactivity, determination, and discipline—distinguish successful leaders in the SmartScale℠ ecosystem.


The role of proactivity cannot be overstated. It is the rudder that allows leaders to navigate the vast waters of opportunity. These visionaries set the course for SmartScale℠ success by identifying and seizing opportunities well before they become apparent to the market. Their proactive stance ensures that initiatives are pioneering, not just competitive responses.


SmartScaling demands not just insight but the fortitude to persist. Determination is what drives leaders to persistently march towards the vision of a SmartScaled future, transforming setbacks into setups for greater success. It’s the tenacity to adhere to the SmartScale℠ path, regardless of the complexities that surface. Determination underscores that leaders don’t just engage with SmartScale’s groundbreaking methodology. They live it in.


The execution of SmartScale℠ strategies requires unwavering discipline. It is the hallmark of leaders who systematically implement intricate plans with precision. This disciplined execution ensures that the SmartScale℠ process is not a gamble but a calculated orchestration of myriad variables leading to peak efficiency.

These traits are not standalone virtues but interwoven threads in SmartScale℠ success’s fabric. They enable leaders to foresee, forge ahead, and finely tune their strategies to navigate and master the SmartScaling challenges. They bring strategies to life, transforming ambitious goals into measurable achievements and setting a benchmark in the business evolution process.

To sum up,SmartScale℠ is more than a methodology—it’s a testament to the leadership character. The success of any SmartScale℠ initiative leans heavily on the strength of the leader’s character. Proactivity, determination, and discipline are the transformation engines, driving the shift from traditional growth to dynamic scaling, where value magnification and operational excellence become the standard.

Go Deeper

If you want greater detail about how to scale your midlife business, check out The Mid-Life Business Acceleration Story: A New Perspective on Disruptive Transformation and Exponential Growth

Mark Jacobs

Mark B. Jacobs has spent 30 years in executive leadership successfully guiding major growth initiatives – many starting as turnaround efforts. He has led re-capitalizations, start-ups, and key organizational change agendas that have scaled company growth and performance. He co-authored the SmartScale process which is built on his years of hands-on experience and expertise in Lean Manufacturing, Quality Systems, Sales & Operations Planning, Category Design & Development, Leadership Development, and Technology-Driven transformations.
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